
Thanks to all the previous CIG members who had greatly contributed to the group.

Graduated students

X. Si
Ph.D., 2020-2024
毕业去向:Postdoc at Georgia Tech
Thesis: Earthquake monitoring and prediction based on graph neural network and foundation model [PDF].
Xu joined CIG in 2020 and started his research on graph neural network and foundation model for earthquake monitoring and prediction. He interned at Huawei as a Cloud Computing Engineer in 2021.
Y. Li
Ph.D., 2021-2024
毕业去向:Huawei, Wuhan
Thesis: Quantitative Evaluation and Optimization Strategies for CNN-based Seismic Fault Detection [PDF].
You joined CIG in 2021 and worked on deep learning for enhanced seismic fault interpretation. He interned at iFLYTEK (科大讯飞) in 2023.
Z. Bi
Ph.D., 2017-2023
毕业去向:Postdoc at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
Thesis: Deep learning for 3-D seismic interpretation and geological modeling [PDF].
Zhengfa was transferred to CIG in 2019 and started his research on deep learning for automated seismic interpretation and geologic model building. He interned at Huawei as a Cloud Computing Engineer in 2020.
Z. Xue
Ph.D., 2017-2023
毕业去向:Postdoc at Peking Univ.
Thesis: Research on velocity modeling method with multiple information constraints [PDF].
Zhiwen was transferred to CIG in 2021 and started his research on novel methods for velocity analysis, tomography, and full waveform inversion. He particularly focused on incorporating multi-source information constraints in these methods to improve the accuracy of velocity modeling. He interned at Beijing Research Center of Aramco in 2019.
Z. Wang
Master, 2020-2023
毕业去向:Huawei, Shanghai
Thesis: Deep learning-based seismic fault detection and surface construction [PDF].
Zijian joined CIG in 2020 and he worked on benchmark dataset of seismic fault, deep learning for fault detection, and fault surface construction. He interned at Huawei, Shanghai in 2022.
Master, 2020-2023
Thesis: Deep learning-based signal-to-noise identification and separation for time-domain Magnetotelluric data [PDF].
Enhua was a Master student with Prof. Rujun Chen at Central South University. He collaborated with us from March 2022 to May 2023 and published a Geophysics paper with us. His research interests focus on MT signal processing.
L. Jiang
Master candidate, 2021-2023
Transfered to Computer Sciences at USTC
Lei joined CIG in 2020 and she worked on deep learning for filling borehole images. Since July 2023, she transferred to computer sciences at USTC and started her PhD there.
Y. Li
Ph.D., 2017-2022
Thesis: High-resolution seismic imaging of complex media based on staining algorithm and deep learning [PDF].
Yaxing Li was a Ph.D. student with Dr. Xiaofeng Jia at USTC. He has been collaborated with us since Sep. 2019. His research interests include seismic imaging, velocity model building and deep learning for seismic data processing.
Ph.D., 2016-2022
Thesis: Interferometric imaging and machine learning for microseismic location [PDF].
Qingshan was a Ph.D. student with Prof. Wei Zhang at Southern University of Science and Technology. He collaborated with us from Sep. 2020 to May. 2022 and published a JGR paper with us. His research interests include microseismic location method and application of machine learning.
F. Wang
Ph.D., 2020-2022
毕业去向:Postdoc at KAUST
Thesis: Seismic horizon interpretation and its application in FWI [PDF].
Fu is a Ph.D. student with Prof. Huazhong Wang at Tongji University. She has been visiting CIG since Aug. 2020. Her research interests include automatic interpretation of seismic structures and apply them as guidance in inversion problems.
S. Yan
Ph.D., 2016-2021
Thesis: Building reservoir models with seismic and well-log data via deep learning [PDF].
Shangsheng was transferred to CIG in 2019 and started her research on automatic seismic horizon interpretation, deep learning for seismic impedance inversion, and optimized seismic interpretation workflows. She interned at Huawei as a Cloud Computing Engineer in 2020.

Undergraduate students worked with us

Chuang Xiao, 肖创
毕业去向:CSM, US
Jinqian Xe, 谢谨谦
Chang Ding, 丁畅
毕业去向:Georgia Tech
Wenkai Xuan, 宣文凯
Xing Tan, 谭兴
毕业去向:Stanford Univ.

Advised Undergraduate students

Spring, 2023
Long Han
thesis: Deep learning for seismic waveform representation and oil/gas identification
毕设: 含油气地震波形的智能表征与识别
Chenqi Tian
thesis: Research on lighting location methods and their applications
毕设: 闪电定位方法与应用研究
Spring, 2022
Wenkai Xuan
thesis: Deep learning for pre-stack seismic inversion
毕设: 基于深度学习的叠前地震反演
Spring, 2021
Junwei Zhou
University of Michigan
thesis: Microseismic Location with Graph Neural Networks
毕设: 基于图神经网络的微地震定位
Yufan Chen
Purdue University
thesis: Seismic Fault Point Cloud Segmentation with Deep Learning
毕设: 基于深度学习的地震断层点云分割
Hao Lv
Institute of Geodesy & Geophysics
thesis: Seismic signals detection of DAS with deep learning
毕设: 基于深度学习的DAS地震信号检测
Spring, 2020
Danyang Jiang
thesis: Structure-guided Kriging
毕设: 构造引导的克里金插值
Shubo Zhang
NTU, Singapore
thesis: Noise2noise deep learning for seismic denoising
thesis: 基于噪声到噪声深度学习的地震数据去噪
Runbang Zhang
New York University
thesis: 3D Buried tumulus reconstruction with deep learning

Co-advised students

Zhicheng Geng (耿志成), Ph.D. at UT Austin (2017-2022)
  • Geng, Z., X. Wu*, Y. Shi, and S. Fomel, 2019, Deep learning for relative geologic time and seismic horizons. Geophysics, Vol. 85(4), WA87–WA100.
  • Geng, Z., X. Wu*, S. Fomel, and Y. Chen 2019, RT-seislet Transform. Geophysics, Vol. 85(2), V223-V232.
  • Geng, Z., Z. Zhao, Y. Shi, Wu, X., S. Fomel, and M. Sen, 2022, Deep learning for velocity model building with common-image gathers. GJI, 228, 1054–1070.
  • Geng, Z., Z. Hu, X. Wu*, and S. Fomel, 2022, Semi-supervised salt segmentation using mean teacher. Interpretation, minor revision.
  • Yunzhi Shi (施韫智), Ph.D. at UT Austin (2015-2020)
  • Shi, Y., X. Wu*, and S. Fomel, 2019, SaltSeg: Automatic 3D salt body segmentation using a deep convolutional neural network. Interpretation, SE113-SE122.
  • Shi, Y., X. Wu*, and S. Fomel, 2020, Waveform embedding: automatic horizon picking with unsupervised deep learning. Geophysics, Vol. 85(4), WA67–WA76.
  • Shi, Y., X. Wu*, and S. Fomel, 2021, Interactively tracking seismic geobodies with a deep learning flood-filling network. Geophysics, Vol. 86(1), A1–A5.
  • 李子昂
    Zi'ang Li
    Ph.D. at USTC (2015-2020)
    Zi'ang Li received a B.S. in Geophysics (2015) from the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He is a Ph.D. student with Dr. Xiaofeng Jia at USTC. Zi'ang collaborated with CIG on deep learning for enhanced seismic imaging(SEG, Geophysics, submitted, 2020).
    Nam Pham
    Master at UT Austin (2017-2019)
  • X. Wu*, and E. Naeini, 2020, Missing well log prediction using convolutional long short-term memory network. Geophysics, Vol. 85(4), WA159–WA171.
  • Sean Bader
    Master at UT Austin (2015-2018)
  • Bader S.., X. Wu*, and S. Fomel, 2019, Missing log data interpolation and semiautomatic seismic well ties using data matching techniques. Interpretation, Vol. 7(2), T347-T361.
  • Best Student Poster Paper at the 2017 SEG Annual Convention
    Zhiguang Xue
    Ph.D. at UT Austin (2013-2018)
  • Xue Z., X. Wu*, and S. Fomel, 2018, Predictive painting across faults. Interpretation, Vol. 6(2),T449–T455.
  • Dmitrii Merzlikin
    Ph.D. at UT Austin (2014-2019)
  • D. Merzlikin, S. Fomel, and X. Wu, 2019, Least-squares diffraction imaging using shaping regularization by anisotropic smoothing.Geophysics, Vol. 85(5), P. S313–S325.
  • D. Merzlikin, S. Fomel, and X. Wu, M. Phillips, 2017, Unconventional reservoir characterization using azimuth seismic diffraction imaging. URTeC.
  • 白通
    Tong Bai
    Ph.D. at CWP, Colorado School of Mines (2013-2018)
  • Tong, B., I., Tsvankin, X. Wu, 2017, Waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media. Geophysics, Vol. 82(4), WA83-WA93.
  • 牛丽萍
    Liping Niu
    Ph.D. at Tongji University (2015-2020)
  • Niu, L., J. Geng, X. Wu, L. Zhao, and H. Zhang, 2020, A joint operator- and data-driven method to improve linearized AVO inversion. JGE, in press.
  • Visiting scholars

    Yuan Xiao [Resume]
    Visiting Scholar (Nov. 2023- May 2024)
    Yuan received a bachelor degree of Computer Science and is currently a master student with Prof. Kewen Li at China University of Petroleum (Huadong). She has been visiting CIG from Nov. 2023 to May 2024. She has published papers on seismic denoising, super-resolution, and inversion. Her current research interests focus on deep learning for seismic data processing.
    Yuxuan Wu
    visiting undergraduate student (2021-2022)
    Statistics, TAMU
    Yuxuan attended CIG's weekly seminars and will conducted her undergraduate research projects with CIG.
    Yuanyuan Ma [Resume]
    Visiting Scholar (Oct. 2020-Dec. 2020)
    Yuanyuan received her PhD at China University of Petroleum Beijing in June 2020, then she joined CIG in Oct 2020. Her PhD research focus mostly on applying ML methods to solve geophysics challenges, including arrival time picking, facies classification, and seismic impedance inversion. She is open to any valuable research interests and recently starts with DAS microseismic observations. Yuanyuan is joining the University of Calgary as a postdoc.