About Jintao Li(李金涛)

Ph.D. Candidate
GitHub: JintaoLee-Roger
Email: lijintao@mail.ustc.edu.cn
Undergraduate: Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2016-2020.
Research: deep learning, seismic super-resolution, seismic facies characterization, and data compression.
Experience: Cloud Computing Engineer, Summer Intern, Huawei, 2022.


5. Li, J., Y. Shi, and X. Wu*, 2024, CIGVis: an open-source Python tool for real-time interactive visualization of multidimensional geophysical data, Geophysics, in press. [pypi], [CODE], [GIF-1], [GIF-2], [GIF-3].

4. Li, J., 2023, cigSegy: a Python package for convenient IO of SEGY files. [GitHub]. [PPT].

3. Li, J., X. Wu*, Y. Ye, C. Yang, Z. Hu, X. Sun, and T. Zhao, 2023, Unsupervised contrastive learning for seismic facies characterization, Geophysics, Vol. 88(1), WA81–WA89. [PDF]. [FIG].

2. Li, J., X. Wu*, Z. Hu, 2022, Deep learning for simultaneous seismic super-resolution and denoising. IEEE TGRS, Vol. 60, pp. 1-11, Art no. 5901611, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3057857. [PDF].

1. Li, J., X. Wu, Z. Hu, 2020, Deep learning for simultaneous seismic super-resolution and denoising, 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysics, Expanded Abstracts.
