About Hanlin Sheng(绳瀚林)

Ph.D. candidate
GitHub: shenghanlin
Email: hanlins@mail.ustc.edu.cn
Undergraduate: Geophysics, Ocean University of China, 2016-2020.
Research: non-stretching NMO, CCS, deep learning
Experience: Cloud Computing Engineer, Summer Intern, Huawei, 2022.


4. Sheng, H., X. Wu*, X. Si, J. Li, S. Zhang, and X. Duan, 2024, Seismic Foundation Model (SFM): a next generation deep learning model in geophysics, Geophysics, in revision. [CODE], [Arxiv].

3. Sheng, H., X. Wu*, X. Sun, and L. Wu, 2023, Deep learning for characterizing CO2 migration in time-lapse seismic images, Fuel, Vol. 336, 126806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126806. [GIF].

2. Sheng, H., X. Wu, and B. Zhang, 2022, Wavelet estimation and nonstreching NMO correction. Geophysics, Vol. 87(3), V193–V203. [PDF], [FIG].

1. Sheng, H., X. Wu, and B. Zhang, 2020, Wavelet estimation and nonstreching NMO correction, 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysics, Expanded Abstracts.
