About Zhiwen Xue(薛智文)

Ph.D., 2017-2023
毕业去向: Postdoc at Peking Univ.
GitHub: xuezhiwen737
Email: xuezw@mail.ustc.edu.cn
Undergraduate: Geophysics, CUMT, 2013-2017.
Research: Velocity analysis, Tomography, and Full waveform inversion, Zhiwen is transferred to CIG in 2021.
Experience: Summer Inter, Beijing Research Center of Aramco, 2019.


5. Xue, Z., Y. Wang, H. Wang, and X. Wu*, 2024, Implicit structure model constrained full waveform inversion: Integrating global structural constraints for enhanced velocity modeling, Geophysics, submitted.

4. Xue, Z., Y. Wang, X. Wu* and J. Ma, 2024, Multi-Geophysical Information Neural Network for Seismic Tomography, Geophysics, in revision.

3. Xue, Z. and X. Wu*, 2023, Automatic velocity analysis with physics-constrained optimal surface picking, Geophysics, Vol. 88(3), U71–U80.

2. Xue, Z., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., and Li, Z., 2019, The first-arrival traveltime tomography with joint minimum support and Tikhonov regularization. 89th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts.

1. Xue, Z., Zhang, J., Sun, M., and Wang, Y., 2018, Long-wavelength statics solutions for the near surface with velocity reversal. 88th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts.
