
We program with Java, Python, PyTorch and Tensorflow to interpret/process all kinds of digital signals or multi-dimensional images.

CIG's open-source codes (to be updated...)

Here are some of our popular packages:
  1. Xu's SeisClip, a seismology foundation model.
  2. Xu's PLAN, multi-task multi-station earthquake monitoring.
  3. Hanlin's Seismic Foundation Model.
  4. Jintao's seismicSuperResolution.
  5. Jintao's cigSegy: a Python package for SEGY IO.
  6. Zhengfa's AI Based Implicit Structural Modeling.
  7. Zhengfa's AI Based RGT Estimation.
  8. Gaohang's channelSeg.
  9. Xinming's faultSeg3D.
  10. Xinming's osv, widely used in industry for fault interpretation.
  1. Dave's ipf (Best Paper, Geophysics, 2016).
  2. Xinming's mhe (Best Paper, Honorable Mention, SEG, 2018).
  3. Xinming's sbp (left cartoon).
  4. Xinming's sos (structure- & stratigraphy-oriented smoothing).
  5. Xinming's igi image-guided harmonic and bi-harmonic interpolation.
  6. Xinming's KarstSeg3D: deep learning for paleokarst characterization in 3D seismic data.
  7. Jintao's cigVis: Interactive visualization of multi-dimensionnnal data.
  8. Hanlin's co2net: deep-learning-based CO2 monitoring with 4D seismic data.
  9. Hui's ClinoformNet: deep learning for seismic clinoform delineation.
  10. we keep updating more and better organized packages...

cigVis: real-time interactive visualization of multidimensional geophysical data

cigVis is an open-source Python package, developed by the Computational Interpretation Group (CIG), for real-time interactive visualization of multidimensionnnal data.
  • main contributors: Jintao Li and Dr. Yunzhi Shi (Amazon)
  • installation&code access: [pypi], [github].
  • volume&surfaces: [demo-0], [demo-1].
  • volume&geobody: [demo-0], [demo-1].
  • volume&well-logs: [demo-0], [demo-1].
  • 3D co-renderings: [demo-0], [demo-1], [demo-2].
  • multi-canvases with the same view: [left cartoon].
  • more demos: [gallery].
  • CIG's computational resource

    Our computational sources include:
  • 1st GPU node (dhale): 6×Tesla V100 (32GB) NVIDIA GPUs
  • 2nd GPU node (sfomel): 4×Tesla V100 (32GB) NVIDIA GPUs
  • 3rd GPU node (xinwu): 4×A100 (40GB) NVIDIA GPUs
  • 4th GPU node (cig): 8×H20 (96GB) NVIDIA GPUs
  • 9 CPU nodes: 18×6240 CPUs, totaling 324 cores
  • Workstations: >=20Cores and 64G for every CIG member
  • Supercomputing center of USTC
  • Other open-source softwares
    We appreciate Dave and Sergey's great contributions to open-source softwares in geophysics!

    Mines Java Toolkit (JTK)
    The Mines Java Toolkit (JTK) is a set of Java packages and native (non-Java) code libraries for science and engineering. Applications currently include include
  • digital signal processing
  • 2-D and 3-D graphics
  • Madagascar
    Madagascar is an open-source software package for multidimensional data analysis and reproducible computational experiments. Its mission is to provide
  • a convenient and powerful environment
  • a convenient technology transfer tool